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Q: I went to the doctor last week with a funny pain in my stomach. He ran some simple tests, but told me it was "probably nothing to worry about" and dismissed it at that. But the pain is still there, and I still feel like something is wrong. Should I trust the doctor's advice and ignore it?

A: Trust your guts — literally! Your body is telling you something is wrong. If your doctor waves aside your worries, get a second opinion from someone who will listen to your concerns. You may feel silly brushing aside professional advice, and it may be only a minor problem, but no doctor should scoff at you when your body says something is not right.
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Q: How can trusting my instincts in dealing with medical care help ill friends and family members?

A: Hospital patients benefit greatly when advocates help them get medical care that is suited to their instinctive patterns of action. Some patients have an MO that requires great detail in order to cope with medical problems, others tune out specifics. Some patients are instinctively inclined to follow a prescribed regimen, but most peoples' instincts go against structured routines.
An advocate armed with information on the instinct-driven needs of a patient can interpret those to medical professionals. Doctors who provide information and treatment in ways that fit the predisposed nature of the patient reduce patients' stress - and their own frustrations. Advocates trained to interpret the conative dimension of the mind (which are the action-oriented needs in every person's make-up) will provide an invaluable service.
There is great potential for their reducing healthcare costs by improving the effectiveness of advice and reducing the need for reoccurring visits.
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Q: Job-related stress is now the no.1 cause of heart attacks. Why is workplace stress increasing?

A: Far too many people are suffering the stress of working against their instinctive grain. When you have to take physical action that is not natural for you, you may pull muscles or get fractures. Mental muscles also get tied in knots, causing terrible stress. New technology, lock-step training, and restrictive job-requirements are providing workers with less latitude in accomplishing tasks their own way. Ignoring our instinctive strengths and forcing unnatural methods has harmed a multitude of individuals and greatly increased healthcare costs.
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Q: I'm very worried about a mole I have that just doesn't look right. I'm afraid if I go to the doctor I'll look like a nervous nilly.

A: Your guts are telling you something is wrong. Check it out immediately! There's no way you can lose. If you're right, you'll always be glad you got professional help. If you're wrong, you'll always be glad you were wrong. If your doctor chides you for being wrong, he or she is the one with the problem. Find another doctor. If you are "wrong" about the same symptoms more than a couple of times, be obstinate about figuring out why.
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Q: Do health issues influence Kolbe Index results?

A: If the problem impacts your ability to read or understand the questions, it could influence your results. You would likely show a Transition result.
Struggling with health problems does not change who you are, but it does limit the intensity with which you are able to express your instinct-based needs. It is extremely helpful to have someone act on your behalf to provide you with the freedom to act according to your instincts, rather than in the way a care giver assumes you ought to act.
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